Wedeto - WEb DEvelopment TOolkit

Database access

Wedeto comes with a database layer that currently supports MySQL and PostgreSQL (we strongly recommend PostgreSQL if you have the choice). After the setup in the setup script, the database will be ready for you to use. In your controlleer, you can use: $app->db to obtain a database object. You can use this as a PDO to prepare and execute queries. However, for most uses, the DAO class will be useful to save you from writing the queries:

class User extends Wedeto\DB\DAO
    protected static $table = "users";

$my_user = User::get(['id' => 13]);
Easy, right? Just tell Wedeto what the name of your table is, and Wedeto will find out what your table looks like and generate the queries.

Query builder

If things get more complex, you can also use the Query classes to generate database agnostic queries:

use Wedeto\DB\Query\Builder as QB;

$select = QB::select(
        QB::any('id', [3, 5, 7, 9]),
foreach ($select->execute($db) as $user)
    // Do whatever you want
The loop will loop over the retrieved users, $select->execute will return a PDOStatement that has been prepared and executed. You just need to fetch the results.


A common scenario in a template is that you want to list all objects, and show a message when there is none. This structure is sometimes referred to as foreach-else. Wedeto implements this in a function fee:

use Wedeto\Util\Functions as WF;

WF::fee($users, function ($user) {
    // Do something with the users
}, function () {
    // Do something when there are no users